Effectively Market your Work!

You are an author and are interested in reaching your public. If that’s the case, we can actually do more for you than simply professionally produce your book. Whether it's an e-book or a print book: we can help market it and make sure it gets advertised and sold on sites like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders and more! Your book will also be available for ordering at bookstores in Canada, US, UK, and the EEC. 

Book Sales & Marketing


You’ve written your book. It’s time to give it your public!

Effectively Market your Work! Market your work to all the major distributors: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, Baker & Taylor, Book Depository, Kobo, Kindle, NOOK and more!

Whether it’s an e-book or a print book: we can help market it and make sure it gets advertised and sold on sites like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders and more! Your book will also be available for ordering at bookstores in Canada, US, UK, and the EEC.

We provide:
• Copyrighting and legal services
• ISBN creation and registration.
• UPC and bar codes with pricing for all geographical markets
• Amazon, Barnes & Noble, INGRAM and worldwide distribution sign-on.
• Automatic order fulfillment and shipping (You receive a check at the end of the royalty period!)
• Different levels of advertising.
• Specialized marketing channels.
• Worldwide distribution: Your book will be available to buyers across North America, Europe, and Australia.



This is about having your book available at the chains, retailers and on-line stores so that if someone wanted to purchase your book, they’d be able to do so easily. Imagine doing all that publicity and marketing to acquire a ready and willing readership, only to have your public unable to find the book to buy it! If you opt for our distribution services, your book will be available for ordering via all the major book retailers and distributors in North America, UK (optional) and Europe (optional). Here are some of our distribution partners:

Here are some of our Distribution Partners:

Baker & Taylor
Barnes & Noble
Kindle NOOK
Espresso Book Machine
Book Depository
Mallory International
Paperback Shop
Eden Interactive Ltd.



Receive on direct sales not just royalties! While most channels only give you a 30% or less royalty, we take only 15% which means you keep 85% of the profits! You determine the sale price and we take a 15% service charge. You get the rest. There’s no exclusive distribution agreement with us so that you may sell your books elsewhere as well.


If you opt for marketing services, then you will see your title appear for sale through major retailers. Retailers will advertise and carry your book in stock. If a customer orders your book, the sale is registered and the inventory counts replenished. At the end of each quarter, you receive a royalty check along with a report on your sales.

(Sale Price) - (Print Cost) - (15% of Sale Price) = Your Return
So if you were to sell your book for $24.99, then your return would be:
$24.99 - $6.65 - $3.75 = $14.59 (Your Profit)

(Sale Price) - (15% of Sale Price) = Your Return
If you sell the e-book version of the same book for $4.99, then in this case, your return would be:
$4.99 - $0.75 = $4.24 (Your Profit)


Authors often require help promoting their books. Here’s where we come in. We can help authors not only promote those titles they have printed or distributed through us, but we can also help promote their personalities, and their entire portfolio of works. Some of the services we can provide include: press releases, author websites, social media (facebook, twitter, blogger) links, submissions to book reviewers and critics, video and ad campaign development... and more!


You want to create ‘hype’ and ‘buzz’ about your book. You want to let people know what’s special about your book. Those who opt for our promotion services get a personalized, catered service. Each book is unique and so it’s marketing and promotional strategy will also be unique.

Here’s how we can help:

- Press Releases
- Author websites,
- Book websites,
- Blog creation and maintenance
- Social account link ups (Facebook, Twitter, et al),
- Media generation and broadcasting.
- Video and audio presentations and editing
- Video adverts
- Online advertisements
- … and more. Just ask us!