Download the template or use our bookCreator portal and start creating your book! If you need assistance just let us know!

Create your book

The easy BabalonBOOKS Step-by-Step Guide

1. Read our website to learn about requirements and services.
2. Get a free and instant on-line quote of what the printing costs will be for your book project.
3. Contact us with any questions.
4. Select your method:


The Full-Service Method

At no extra cost, your account representative takes you by the hand. You will e-mail/upload your manuscript and/or images for your cover, and your account representative will return to you with a design for your approval. 
We design your book cover with or without your own images!

Before you begin: 
Make sure you've manuscript is complete and ready to be published. Refer to the Tutorials section or contact us for any questions you may have.

Quick Step-by-Step

1. Sign up / register here or download the forms, fill out and return to us via e-mail.
2. ‎Wait for activation link from account representative.
3. Log-in to your Author Portal Account.
4. Upload your book text file (word, pdf, indd, ocd, txt, html, xml)
5. Upload your images for book cover (if any) or let us design it for you.
6. Receive you proofs / mocks.
6. Perfect / Tweak / Approve.


The UPLOAD Method

The UPLOAD Method : Download / Upload via our templates

Before you begin:
Make sure you've reviewed the Quick Step Guide, How To: Working with your Interior File and How To: Working with your cover template file. Refer to the Tutorials section or contact us for any questions you may have.

Quick Step-by-Step
1 - Choose the sort of book you want (Hardcover / Softcover / Color Interior, etc.). For more information on our book offerings, please go here.
2 - Download the template package specific to your book choice. Your template package will contain templates for the cover and the interior of your book.
3 - Prepare your cover template and interior template until you are satisfied. Make sure you've followed the guidelines and that you are happy with the way you're book looks. (It's often helpful to print a couple of pages out and crop them to size to see how the pages would look in your book. See Tutorials Section for other tips.) Check for spelling and grammar errors. Make sure all images used are 300 DPI.
4 - Once you are absolutely sure you are done, you may upload your book cover and book interior files here, or email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

OPT - If you've signed on for marketing and distribution services, a customer representative will get back to you on your account set up and how you can keep track of sales.




1 - We market your book
2 - You receive royalties on sales